Saturday, September 12, 2009

Where in the World is M.F. the Website?

Hello, "readers" (aka people who googled Dogtanian and somehow reached my blog),

The tides of summer have crashed into the glass- and plastic-bag-infested shore, and a new autumn of non-foliage and non-cold is upon us. I, M.F., of M.F. the Website, have a few questions on the eve of this here autumn:

1. Why is M.F. the Website missing its proper punctuation? M.F.: the Website, or M.F., the Website, would have been lovely.

2. How come I haven't yet discussed the new season of Israeli Survivor? (Because it's boring.)

3. When will I have more guests visit me from the US? (Nevar. Hostel o' F. '09 has left me seeking alone time in my apartment by myself forever! Though Hostel o' F. time was lovely.)

4. How excited am I for all the Jewish holidays coming up? (Not very.)

5. When will I finally rename this blog so that it's not the first thing that comes up when you google my name? (I dunno.)

6. When will I actually show up to a Peace Now protest on the other side of the green line? (I'm scared!)

7. Why am I going on vintage shopping sprees 2 months before I go to the vintage retail heaven that is Austin/New York?

8. How awesome is it that all these good indie bands are coming to Tel Aviv these days? Yippee!

9. How did I ever live without watching Seinfeld every single day?

10. How glad am I to not be in a country that would ever argue about giving all its citizens health insurance?