Friday, April 3, 2009


Despite the fact that I am a slob and a half who walks around with bags under my eyes, chapped lips, and huge zits on my face like I just don't give a fuck, I am still very into FASHION and PRETTY THINGS. I read many fashion-heavy blogs, like and And I read many blogs by girls who somehow look done up at all times (like Tracie Egan). I always thought bloggers were supposed to be hanging out in their pajamas, but all these girls on teh webz look immaculate. WTF?

Well, you know what, enough is enough. I think that the Internet should be filled with images of sloppy, sloppy apartments and the people who sit around in them typing on the Internet.

Am I the only girl with a website who takes day-long naps (Wednesday, I'm talking about you) and sits around in her pajamas all day?

I'm hot 'cause I'm fly

Preparing for a messy Passover


  1. Haha, I'm into fashion and pretty things too! I'm actually watching a few LJ comms with fashion icons!

    I think you take good photographs! I like the composition, anyway (I'm writing a lot of exclamation marks today!!)!

    I hope your Passover is nice. I don't even know where I'm going for Passover this year.

  2. You think you know fashion, well fashion's a stranger.
    You think fashion's your friend, my friend, fashion is danger.

    --Hearts, Gil
