Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Got Nothin

So I've been having some "technical difficulties" lately. My lappie was sent for repair to the HP offices, and I've been using the work lappie, which for some reason, refuses to find a stable Internet connection. What gives?

In addition, I've just felt uninspired to write or take part in any other creative activities. Sometimes the whole Tel Aviv "scene" depresses me and makes me not want to do anything creative, ever! I'm currently trying to get over this hurdle.

The only way I've been "expressing my creativity" is by getting these Big Obnoxious Glasses which have provoked very intense reactions in people, let me tell ya! And the Israelis-staring-at-me phenomenon has been getting worse, much worse, due to said glasses. Dressing retardedly is my new creative outlet! But there has to be more to life than just dressing in a loud and obnoxious fashion, right?

Even my political activism has gone down a notch. I'm a lil disenchanted with it.

So yeah, I sign off with the resounding noise of "meh."


  1. You don't have to answer this question, but what about the Tel Aviv "scene" bothers you? Is there a way to get around it? A trip to another city on a weekday?

    I hope you feel better soon. I've been avoiding feeling "meh" by keeping busy--applications, classes, violin, and the list goes on and on...Will that work?

  2. Oh, I totally didn't notice this comment until now!

    I guess I just haven't met a lot of interesting people in Tel Aviv and haven't seen something REALLY COOL in a long time that has come from the local scene. Part of this is my fault, of course, since I don't try hard enough to look for events I'd enjoy, but when you're in a big city, it's sometimes difficult to wade through everything and find what makes you happy.

    But I'm very optimistic about all this. I think I'm just spoiled from living in Austin, land of awesome cheap parties and concerts.
