Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hey, It's the '90s!

I've been keeping these vintage Aviv Geffen videos up in my tabs all day, and they're making me Internet slow, so it's time to unleash them onto you. The vids are from one of my favorite shows from childhood--Inyan shel Zman ("A Matter of Time"). The show is about cool Israeli '90s high school kids with ratty hair, who I always wished I could be. Basically my move to Israel is just me trying to be a '90s Israeli teenager.

(Ah, her leather jacket is AMAZING.)

Aw, shit, I'll just throw this in as well: This next vid is Yermi Kaplan's Kvar Achshav (which is on the radio all the time). It was the theme song for another '90s classic show, Hafuch ("Upside Down"). I don't even remember what this show was about, except that post-army Israeli characters traveling in India were somehow involved. Naturally.

(Also, yikes, what is the deal with his hair? Eeek.)

(Oh, and all the characters' dresses--omg!)

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