I don't care about made-up American holidays, which usually don't even involve the most important part of holidays: food. But, today I've been reading all this "stuff" about Father's Day, and then I started missing my dad! And then I teared up. I wasn't even prompted by a reality show to cry. I just did it!
Anyways, my aba is a character. He is out of control. So I figured I should write a post about him. But not because it's Father's Day because that's stupid.
So here are some fun facts about my father:
1. He wears an earring instead of a wedding band.
2. He often starts whispering mid-sentence instead of talking.
3. He calls my siblings and me "hot dogs" ("naknikiot").
4. When we have chocolate in the house, he often hides it and eats it all himself.
5. He is a walking encyclopedia of rock and roll history and is basically a hipster. His favorite band is Dengue Fever (and he drove to New York with his BFF to see them--bahaha). He also went through a Texas swing music phase. Yeah, I dunno.
6. My mom made posters of this picture of him in his '20s, when he still had his golden curls and looked Jim Morrison-esque. I used to have this poster in my house in Austin, and all my friends became his fans based on the poster. I guess it's a little odd to own a poster of your dad, but my mom is just really into making posters of us. Uhhh, yeah.
7. He is obsessed with my dog Phoebe, though he spells her name "Fibi." One time he said "Phoebe is my best friend" and it was the funniest thing ever.
8. My 15-year-old brother and my dad often have heart-to-hearts.
9. He "tans" outside for five minutes every day because he's super pale.
10. For a couple of years, he wouldn't let me get glasses because he was really into these eye exercises that improve your vision, and made me do those instead of getting glasses. I only got glasses in college when I was away from his watchful eye. He's seriously too into alternative medicine.
Hope you enjoyed these TRUE FACTS.