Monday, April 27, 2009

The Mouse!!!

Here is a reality-tv-confessional video/vlog/whatever that I made because I am scared of the mouse in my apartment. And yes, my voice sounds like Kermit and my hands are weird. Shuttup. And I'm stuffed up in this video, so weird breathing, too. Deal with it.


  1. Nasal clog vlog!

    You should just get a cat, May. They don't bother with silverware at all!

  2. That would make my nose even more stuffy.

  3. Sorry to hear about the mouse! We have a mouse in our apartment too, so I know how you feel. That just made me think of "ha'Achbar shel Tamar v'Gaya," by...A.B. Yehoshua...At least your mouse didn't jump out of a box of cornflakes. It must have been scary, though, and I hope the issue gets resolved.

  4. I think you should just surrender the house to the mouse, in the movie 'Mouse Hunt', Nathan Lane tried to kill a pesky mouse and was nearly destroyed by it; and you, May, are no Nathan Lane.
