Thursday, July 30, 2009

This Isn't America's Next Top Best Friend

Hello there,

So I've been thinking that when I first got to Israel (7 months ago--can you believe it?), I thought I'd finally have to stop living my life on two different continents, stop the yearning for secular Zion and all that. Instead, my life has gotten even more fragmented--with my F.mily and platonic life partners all being in the US, I feel like I'm in a gajillion long distance relationships.

This summer, The Summer of Guests, has led many a friend and family member to an Israeli pilgrimage to visit ME. Last week, three of my closest friends were here, and after they left, I got all sadsies thinking about how much loved ones are all so far away. Good thing that I didn't move to Israel to make no friends--I came here to be #1!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I've been noticing that the number of visits on my blogs substantially decreases on Shabbat. Are mitzvah-keeping Jews really my audience? Who knew?

And by the way, mfthewebsite will be back with regular posting soon enough.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Is it just me or does the Old City of Jerusalem look kind of fake? How is it thousands of years old? It was probably built by Disney in the 1950's.

Saturday, July 11, 2009